Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Knightingdale: The Tradition Continues??

Ok.  This post isn't really going to be too much about PCOS.  :)  Something fun I think!  I am actively on it has lots of helpful forums and groups for other women that are TTC (Trying To Conceive) and sometimes you can get some really interesting threads.  One I ran into was of course about baby names... This particular article was about names in their family tree going back to the 1500's & got me to thinking....  As some of you may know (my family especially) on my mother's side of my family we have some pretty uncommon names... and with that I have felt the need to carry on that tradition.  I LOVE that we have some pretty cool names... you don't hear them that often and it makes them original and cool.  I understand not everyone shares my same view points on this, but like some families have a tradition of naming their child after their father for the last 7 generations or naming all their boys with the same initials or  naming their daughters with a name beginning with the same letter... this is something I intend to hold true to as well... Now keep in mind my husband doesn't exactly feel as great about it as I do, so he reels me in on my crazy hairbrained ideas sometimes i.e. I will not be naming my daughter Margo as I had once dreamed... literally had dreams of giving birth to a babygirl and naming her Margo. Cool I thought, he didn't agree LOL. So, this got me to thinking.... if some people think some of the names like Maeve or Deacon are weird and unusual... I wonder what crazy names lie hidden in my family tree?!?  SO.  I looked. :D  I pulled up and this is what I came up with... Now keep in mind this is from only 1 line of my family tree, which has to be the Summers side on my paternal Grandmother's side.  These were the CRAZZZZZY names I found... Get ready to say whatthaheck?!?!  (Note: I fully intend of using my father's middle name.  I think it is way cool and has a sense of chivlry to it... 'Knight' Cool huh?  Ok maybe not everyone will think it is cool but with my research to back my already sound love for the name... this name goes allllll the back to the early 1700's in my family.  CRAZY huh... and it honestly probably goes back way further, but I hit a snag in my research so that was as far back as I could go. Another name I saw TONNNNNS of times over and over was Jesse.  Crazy all the back in the 1500's cool huh?  Sorry I am sidetracking LOL.)

Crazy Boy Names from the Summer's Family Tree:
  1. Whitfield (YES this was a first name)
  2.  Marmaduke (my personal favorite bahahahaha)
  3. Caley (A name that is so common now days for a girl was used for a boy :D)
  4. Eldredge
  5.  Dent (Nope not short for anything.  This poor lad was named DENT maybe he had a Dent in his head?!)
  6.  Rezin (This little jewel was pronounced 'Reason' as a matter of fact it was even notated on some of the old documents LOL)
  7. Jehu (Don't get me to lying!! This was the craziest one I saw out of all the boys. LOL)
  8. Billings (Maybe he grew up to be a bill collector?!
  9. Ransom (I've notived that a lot of the names were for some reason.  Surely this little guy wasn't held for Ransom and if he was... how much?!?)
  10. Sampson (The creek by my house that I grew up in was Sampson creek. Odd.)
  11. Enoch (I have heard of the book of Enoch but naming your kid that?!)
  12. Azariah (Runner Up craziest name I found!!  It sounds like a version of Mariah and it sounds WAY girlie)
  13. Knightingdale (This was used later on I guess to fancy up the name 'Knight' there was also a Knightingale as well.  WOW I think I would have just stuck with Knight.  )

CRAZY Girl names from my family Tree!

  1. Viola (maybe they liked to play the Violin?!)
  2. Tolia (WOW no uh uh)
  3. Dorcas (I can NOT believe someone named their poor daughter this name! )
  4. Manassa (I wish I could say this was the worst but it isn't CRAZINESS!)
  5. Buler (I don't even know what to say.)
  6. Jemima (YESSSS!  I love her pancakes!)
  7. Alvira & Alvirie (Sisters. I bet this is another thing they didn't want to share LOL)
  8. Achsah (No that is not a typo the name is really Achsah and it was noted that her nickname was Axie.  I wouldn't want to piss off Axie... she plays with axes.)
  9. Alviah (Another HORRIBLE spin off of Alvira)
  10. Adeline-Rasberry (Ok this one wasn't HORRIBLE but I thought it was abnormal... and I will even go as far as to say I even like it.  What?!?  I loooove raspberries)
  11. Peninah (Ok this one takes the cake.  It sounds like an old timers nickname for their vajayjay.  I said it... and it was the most horrible name of the girls!!!)
  12. Ovilla (this one doesn't go very far back as a matter of fact this was my great-aunt's name... I never understood it.)
  13. Sibila (It makes me think of Russia and Siberia.  Brrrrrr.)
Hope you had fun laughing at some of these names as I had laughing at them when I was looking them up.  So from now on when I say a name like Asa is cute... and someone says it is weird ... I am breaking out the list!  HA HA HA !  Have a great day!!!



  1. A girl I went to school with that I friended on FB named her kid Enoch. I don't get that name for a kid..I just don't!

  2. WOW! Well Enoch is always better than Jahu or Marmaduke!! LOL.

  3. I just thought of something... what if Jahu is pronounced like it is swedish "Yahoo" that is even funnier!
